Introducing you to Vicky, our new digital marketing apprentice!
31st August 2022
This week we welcomed Vicky to our team here at bopgun, joining us as an apprentice. She is a blank canvas and ready to learn! Following our usual bopgun tradition, we have asked her some questions so that everyone can get to know our newest member of the team:
So, what is on your desk today?
I am going to admit that currently, my desk is a slight mess! However, I am surrounded by some wonderful welcome presents from the team, including a new mug – perfect for the 11 am coffee. I also have a new pink notebook (which I have already excitedly begun scribbling ideas into).
How have you found your first couple of days?
The whole team are so welcoming, and I have settled in really well! My brain has become a sponge absorbing all the new information. I have enjoyed learning about all the projects the team are working on, and cannot wait to get stuck in!
Why do you love your job?
I have always loved writing, and digital marketing allows me to be creative with my words for different purposes. I am also a social media nerd, being somewhat addicted to my phone, and digital marketing is great for combining the two.
What three things can’t you live without?
Dogs (very happy to be sharing the office space with a furry friend), good food, and all my loved ones.