Welcome our new Junior Web Developer, Kush!

Welcome our new Junior Web Developer, Kush!

7th October 2024

Hi! I’m Kushal, a Software Developer Apprentice here at Bopgun. It’s been a fascinating first week – firstly being introduced with a work desk with some welcome treats! I must say I’m no fan of chocolate and sweets, but a new mug, bottle and puzzle booklet – oh yeah! 

I’ve started off with loads of information dumped into my mind, tons of different things I’m getting used to and learning including HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript. Everyday is a different day here – sometimes it was me just getting on with my training and some days it was actually getting involved in real work for clients and updating content, for example. Touching into all of these new things have been a very interesting process for me, and I can’t wait to dive deeper into the bopgun world!

Of course I’ve got an amazing and collaborative work team and workplace – you’ll never get bored here (especially with the dog!)

Working at a creative design agency here at Bopgun is a fun and exciting experience! I get to work on different projects, which keeps things interesting and challenging. There are plenty of different learning opportunities that help me keep a creative focus and stay inspired, with valuable feedback from experienced teammates making it a highly rewarding experience that enhances my skills and confidence. Each project presents its own challenges, giving me the chance to try out different development approaches and techniques.

The collaborative, friendly and supportive atmosphere makes it easy to learn from others and improve my skills as a junior web developer, which is a nice change from the more theoretical focus of university.

Unlike the often individual-focused work in university, I am surrounded by experienced teammates who are willing to share their knowledge. This support makes it easier for me to transition from academic life to the professional world.

Here are some questions I’ve been asked throughout the week that I thought would be interesting to share:

What is your favourite type of cheese?

Defo cheddar or mozzarella for me. Nothing beats those two for me, maybe with red leicester coming up close…

If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it?

I would definitely love to have the power to manipulate time – imagine being able to pause, rewind or fast-forward events. You could just skip any part of your day, rewind something that you missed, or just stopping time because you feel like it!

What’s the most random fact you know that always surprises people?

No number before 1000 contains the letter ‘A’. Go through each number to 999 and none of them when spelt out has ‘A’. Super random but people do get surprised when they actually realise.

If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Definitely Indian (totally not what I eat pretty much everyday). I’m a huge spice fan here, so spicy food on top!