Empowering talent with a dynamic brand identity for Milverton: an elite online private school!

Brand: Milverton

Who are Milverton:

Milverton Education is a specialised start-up offering online British education from UK-qualified teachers for kids aged 11-18 who need a non-traditional approach. They focus on ‘Dream Chasers’ and ‘Elite Performers’ in sports and the arts, partnering with top academies and clubs to provide a flexible education that fits their unique schedules and commitments.

The Challenge:

Traditional education doesn’t meet the needs of ‘Elite Performers’, whose demanding training and performance schedules clash with rigid school routines. Distance learning and self-study have been attempted as alternatives, but they often fall short of providing the structure and support these students need. Furthermore, many 'off the shelf' online education options lack the flexibility and human touch required to truly nurture their potential.

Design Solution:

We crafted a brand for Milverton Education that perfectly captures the blend of outstanding learning and comprehensive support. Our design emphasises the synergy between top-tier education and a strong focus on wellness and personal development. The visual identity and messaging we created reflect the personalised, flexible education experience we offer, enhanced by our dedicated wellbeing mentorship. Through these elements, our brand portrays a dependable and supportive sanctuary for 'Elite Performers.' Additionally, we incorporated AI-generated imagery to visually illustrate the harmonious balance between their passion projects and education.

How we helped:

Brand development / Brand guidelines / Brand identity / Photography

"From start to finish, David and the Bopgun team were outstanding. We had a very specific brief, which they listened to very carefully during our ignition workshop. We felt that the team fully understood us and their creative output as a result was first class. We are delighted with our branding, which perfectly captures us as an organisation and is now proudly shared across all of our marketing assets. Bopgun over delivered in a world where this is the exception and not the rule!"

Greg Holden  Co-Founder & Director

If you’d like to hear more about this project or how we could do the same for your brand – don’t hesitate to get in contact – we’d love to hear from you!